Thursday 31 May 2012

Few Tongue Abnormalities

Benefits of TURMERIC

Benefits of TURMERIC

· It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.

· When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.

· Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.

· It is a natural liver detoxifier.

· Prevents and slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.

· Prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.

· It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.

· Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.

· Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.

· May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.

· Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.

· Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

· Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.

· Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.

· Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.

· Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.

· Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.

· May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

· Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in 250-500mg capsules.



Chennai : 25th Sep 2008

1st photo : Hithendran...

2nd photo is his father and mother...
3rd photo: The doctor didn't even remove the face mask and head cover and coming running right from
the operation theatre

The thing is.... there is a family. Parents are doctors...and they had a son named jithenthran.

On 24th Sep'2008, he took his father's bike for seeing his friend and while return he met with an accident.

The people who are there know him and admitted him at chengelpattu hospital. Then they informed his parents and they took him to Teynampet Apollo hospital.

There the doctors examined him and said that his brain has lost all his senses and there is no way to give him life. Without controlling the sadness the parents understood the fact and they decided to donate his organs to the people.

First, his eyes were given to Sankara nethralaya, then his kidney was given to Apollo hospital for transplantation and atlast here comes the final everheard miracle. They decided to give his heart to a 6 year girl who needs it. So they verified and at last found that the boy is struggling for life at Cherians heart foundation, Chennai.

But within 30mins that heart should be transplanted; They need to go 20kms and in Chennai traffic and doubted whether it will happen. Then the doctors called traffic police and asked their help and they prepared the ambulance with A/C. So fastly they removed the heart from their son and kept in an ice box and ran towards the ambulance.

When they came out the boy's father saw that ice box and cried like anything. The doctor who carried tht box ran like anything that he didn't even see the ambulance which is waiting outside and he entered the police car which was waiting. He said to the person to just go to Cherian hospital soon. The person who was standing near the car was the Assistant Commissioner and he without seeing his status and jumped to drivers seat and drove the car with full speed.

Every signal traffic got alert and left way for this car and at last within 15mins the heart was given to the doctors in Cherian hospital and it was transplanted to the small girl. Really heart touching....

Do u know the meaning of the name of the boy who died....

His name is Hithendran - a person who will steal other's heart....

Yes , now he has stole everyone's heart.. Really ... hats off to the parents.. !!

I now believe God in human form.. ( Lets share this..)

Happy Drinking (H2O)


World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day — May 31
Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. Approximately 6 million deaths related to tobacco use occur each year, including 600,000 from second-hand smoke. If current trends continue, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2030, approximately 8 million persons will die each year from tobacco use, and 80% of those persons will reside in low- and middle-income countries.
In 1987, WHO designated May 31 as World No Tobacco Day to draw global attention to the health risks of tobacco use.

Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus


Potential impacts of Global Climate change on Human health


Clinical implications & complications of Sickle Cell Disease


Wednesday 30 May 2012

Why Asthma makes it hard to breathe in simpler terminology

Complications of Persistent High Blood Pressure


Benefits of a Bicycle

Mitral Stenosis

Mitral stenosis is characterized by obstruction to left ventricular inflow at the level of mitral valve due to structural abnormality of the mitral valve apparatus. The most common cause of mitral stenosis is rheumatic fever.

The normal mitral valve orifice area is approximately 4-6 cm2.Patients will not experience valve-related symptoms until the valve area is 2-2.5 cm2 or less.Severe mitral stenosis occurs with a valve area of less than 1 cm2.

Presence of mitral facies indicate chronic severe mitral stenosis leading to reduced cardiac output and vasoconstriction.The apical impulse may be laterally displaced or not palpable, especially in cases of severe mitral stenosis. This can be explained by decreased left ventricular filling.tapping type of apex beat is seen.

The auscultatory findings characteristic of mitral stenosis are a loud first heart sound, an opening snap, and a diastolic rumble.The intensity of the first heart sound diminishes as the valve becomes more fibrotic, calcified, and thickened.

The diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis is of low pitch, rumbling in character, and best heard at the apex with the patient in the left lateral position.

Hats off to this Surgeon

In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27, was the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. During the expedition, he felt severe pain in the stomach and had a high fever. Rogozov examined himself and discovered that his appendix was inflamed and could burst at any time. With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix. An engineer and a meteorologist assisted surgery

Symptoms of Tuberculosis


World's Most Comprehensive Face Transplant

World's most comprehensive face transplant

Richard Norris is seen before (L) and after (R) his face transplant surgery in this combination of undated handout photos released by the University of Maryland Medical Center. Surgeons from the University of Maryland Medical Center on March 27, 2012, detailed what they said was the world's most comprehensive face transplant, allowing the 37-year-old Virginia man to emerge from behind a mask 15 years after a gun accident that almost took his life. Norris of Hillsville, Virginia, was shot in the face in 1997 and lost his nose, lips and most movement in his mouth. Since that time, he has had multiple life-saving and reconstructive surgeries but none could repair him to the extent where he felt he could return to society. He wore a prosthetic nose and a mask even when entering hospital for the transplant.
PHOTO CREDIT:-REUTERS/University of Maryland Medical Center/Handout

Depression Symptoms

Depression Symptoms =>


@ Behavioural change (slowing down or agitation)
@ Appetite change (weight loss or weight gain in the young)
@ Depressed look(looking down)

@Concentration decrease (does not do serial 7s well)
@ Ruminations (constant negative thoughts,hopelessness good indicator of suicidality)
@ Interest (reduced interest in what is normally pleasurable) @Sleep change (insomnia or hypersomnia, sleeping early, waking up at night, waking up feeling tired)
@ Energy change (fatigue)

Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

Info: Recurrent laryngeal nerve

The recurrent (inferior) laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve) that supplies motor function and sensation to the larynx (voice box). It travels within the endoneurium. It is the nerve of the 6th Branchial Arch.

It is referred to as "recurrent" because the branches of the nerve innervate the laryngeal muscles in the neck through a rather circuitous route: it descends into the thorax before rising up between the trachea and esophagus to reach the neck.

The left laryngeal nerve, which is longer, branches from the vagus nerve to loop under the arch of the aorta, posterior to the ligamentum arteriosum before ascending. On the other hand, the right branch loops around the right subclavian artery. As the recurrent nerve hooks around the subclavian artery or aorta, it gives off several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus. As it ascends in the neck it gives off branches, more numerous on the left than on the right side, to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the esophagus; branches to the mucous membrane and muscular fibers of the trachea; and some pharyngeal filaments to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.

The nerve splits into anterior and posterior rami before supplying muscles in the voice box – it supplies all laryngeal muscles except for the cricothyroid, which is innervated by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.

The recurrent laryngeal nerve enters the pharynx, along with the inferior laryngeal artery and inferior laryngeal vein, below the inferior constrictor muscle to innervate the Intrinsic Muscles of the larynx responsible for controlling the movements of the vocal folds.

Clinical significance:
The nerve is best known for its importance in thyroid surgery, as it runs immediately posterior to this gland. If it is damaged during surgery, the patient will have hoarseness. Nerve damage can be assessed by laryngoscopy, during which a stroboscopic light confirms the absence of movement in the affected side of the vocal cords.

Similar problems may also be due to invasion of the nerve by a tumor or after trauma to the neck. A common scenario is paralysis of the left vocal cord due to malignant tumour in the mediastinum affecting the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. The left cord returns to midline where it stays.

If the damage is unilateral, the patient may present with voice changes including hoarseness.
Bilateral nerve damage can result in breathing difficulties and aphonia, the inability to speak.

The right recurrent laryngeal nerve is more susceptible to damage during thyroid surgery due to its relatively medial location.

WARNING for all Mobile Users

Cancer is one of the most dangerous Disease, in Action in this modern era.
After Research Scientists have Announced that, Most of the Brain Cancer is Due to Cell Phones. Among the worst, it happens when we keep our mobile below the pillow in vibration mode. Scientist Stated Few Major: ...
1. Going to talk long?? Use Headphones!!
2. Do not Keep Mobile Phones below Pillow while Sleeping.
3. Use Left Ear Often.
4. Do not Talk while the Mobile is Charging.
Major Precautions... Be safe and SHARE to make others TOO.!!

Facts about Almonds

Some Interesting Facts of Almonds
'Cholesterol Regulation is one of the most known benefits of Almonds'.

Ninety percent of the fat in almonds is unsaturated fat, and frequent consumption, as a result, could help lower blood cholesterol levels.

You can eat almonds directly, preferably eat it empty stomach to ensure absorption of their nutrients. You can soak them in water overnight and eat in the morning. You can also garnish various dishes with crushed almonds.

Almonds are high in protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, Copper, vitamin E, and other antioxidants. Almonds help prevent osteoporosis and they regulate blood pressure.

Some Benefits of Almonds:

Growth of Brain: Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food item for growing children.

Good for heart: Mono-saturated fat, protein and potassium contained in almonds are good for the heart. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart diseases.

- Skin care

- Regulates blood pressure

- Prevention of cancer

- Protection against diabetes

- Good in pregnancy:

- Weight loss

- Prevention of constipation

- Boosts energy

Tag n share frndz!!


Medical Student Syndrome

Medical student syndrome
Is a condition frequently reported in medical students, who perceive themselves or others to be experiencing the symptoms of the disease (s) they are studying.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Benefits of Drinking Water

You will be amazed of the benefits of drinking water as follow:

Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water.

Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one.

Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.

Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated.

Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel your muscle.

Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.

Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.

Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system.

Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.

Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.

Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.

Symptoms of Swine Flu

Difference between advertisement & real. Panmasala causes Oral Cancer

Cotton Ear Buds (Must read it)

Cotton Ear Buds... (Must read it)Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals. Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear-buds you get at the roadside.-----> It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals.. They take all the dirty, blood- and pus-filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cotton bud, DON'T BUY THEM!!

Please share to all this may be helpful for someone
Please share to all your near and dear ones....!!


Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods

Treatment of Angina Pectoris

28 Odd Facts about Human Body

Monday 28 May 2012

Health Tip Of the Day: BENEFITS Of PORRIDGE

Health Tip Of the Day


· Porridge stabilizes blood sugar levels and according to studies, eating porridge on a regular basis helps in reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by absorbing sugar from the gut and reducing the need for large quantities of insulin to be released.

· It is rich in fiber and therefore helps in preventing heart disease, Many studies have found that people who eat a lot of fiber rich foods are less likely to suffer from heart disease.

· Eating porridge helps to reduce blood cholesterol and improve blood flow, According to studies, the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats are due to the oat soluble fiber beta-glucan.

· Eating porridge helps the brain to produce serotonin, Serotonin is a brain transmitter that helps keep our spirits up and our appetites down.

· Porridge being an excellent source of folic acid reduces the chances of having a baby with spina bifida,
According to studies, children who regularly ate whole-oat products had a less risk of developing childhood obesity.

· Porridge also boosts concentration because the slow releasing complex carbohydrates in porridge oats sustain energy levels.. Complex carbohydrates also stabilize and raise blood sugar levels, making porridge oats is an excellent choice of breakfast for adults and children alike.

Control your Hypertension (High BP) through these steps before going to Medication.

Simple ways to reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure contributes to an alarming number of deaths each year. Although it may not have apparent symptoms, high blood pressure leads to heart attacks and strokes aside from also causing kidney failure. You can reduce your blood pressure by reducing your weight (if you're obese) and making a few small changes in your life, say doctors.

- Walk it out — Walking at a brisk pace can help lower your pressure. A good workout will ensure the heart uses oxygen more efficiently. Getting a rigorous cardio workout 4 to 5 times a week can make a huge difference. Start by incorporating about 15 minutes of exercise in your daily routine and slowly increase the time and difficulty level.

- Deep Breathing — Learning some slow breathing and meditation techniques can do you wonders. It will help reduce stress drastically and keep your blood pressure in check. Try taking out 10 minutes every morning and at night. Inhale and exhale deeply. If you can, join a yoga class for some time so that you can learn the proper method.

- Go for potassium-rich foods — You have probably heard of the negative effects of sodium on the body and potassium is an essential mineral to counter the effects of sodium on blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Try adding sweet potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, potatoes, bananas, peas, and prunes and raisins to your regular diet.

- Go slow on the salt — Whether you have a family history of high blood pressure or not, reducing your intake of salt can make a huge difference to your health. Before adding that extra pinch of salt to your food, think if you really need it. Try substituting salt with lime, garlic, pepper or other herbs and spices. Go slow on processed and packaged foods. Potato chips, frozen chicken nuggets, bacon etc are high in sodium. Try calculating your daily sodium consumption. Keep a food diary and you may be surprised at how much you're taking in.

- Dark chocolate benefits — The darker variety of chocolate has flavonols that make blood vessels more elastic. Choose one that has at least 70 per cent cocoa to really reap the benefits.

- Alcohol alert — While it does provide some health benefits, alcohol can also be bad for your health. If consumed in small amounts, it can help prevent heart attacks and coronary artery disease. But, more than one or two drinks and the benefits are gone. Keep a check on your drinking patterns and if you're a heavy drinker, start reducing slowly. Never indulge in binge drinking. Consuming four or five drinks in a row can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure.

- Tea benefits — Herbal teas are the way to go. In a study conducted, those who sipped on hibiscus tea daily lowered their blood pressure. Many herbal teas contain hibiscus or you can always opt for green tea. The effects of caffeine are still debatable. Drinking caffeinated beverages can temporarily increase pressure. The solution is to check your pressure within 30 minutes of drinking a cup of coffee to determine if it works for your body.

Pls share this message & keep water for birds

Medical findings of MONALISA

Common Areas of Referred Pain

Health tip to be Healthy

Symptoms of different Heart Diseases

Tumor Markers in the whole body

All Nail Disorders at a glance

Pacemakers of heart at a glance

Funny Q & A on Pregnancy

Sunday 27 May 2012

Men are more colorblind than Women ;)

First Complete Electrocardiograph

Ministers of Human Body

Must read & share it to common people,make them know our problems

If by misbehaving and physically assaulting the junior doctors, who 24*7 remain on duty for emergency,
Can no. of beds increase in hospital ?
Would there be availability of more medicines ?
Would the patients get better facilities ?

The general people should decide this and not in for few cooked up news by today's media, which has sold itself to greed for got selling stories and few corrupt politicians.
We are on symbolic cease work to show this bias and atrocity towards the doctors to the general mass. And to the media.,, " Rather than harassing the innocent doctors, go out and expose the corrupt politicians, the scams , the rapes, atrocities on the poor and dalits..."

Please "SHARE" if you agree and let the common mass know.

Triangle of Auscultation

Triangle of auscultation:

The triangle of auscultation of the lungs is a relative thinning of the musculature of the back situated along the medial border of the scapula.


It has the following boundaries:
-->Superiorly and medially, by the inferior portion of the Trapezius
--->Inferiorly, by the Latissimus dorsi
--->Laterally by the medial border of the Scapula

The superficial floor of the triangle is formed by the serratus anterior, rhomboid major, and the lateral portion of the erector spinae muscles. Deep to these muscles are the osseous portions of the 6th and 7th ribs and the internal and external intercostal muscles.

Due to the relative thinning of the musculature of the back in the triangle, the posterior thoracic wall is closer to the skin surface, making respiratory sounds able to be heard more clearly with a stethoscope.
To better expose the floor of the triangle, which is made up of the posterior thoracic wall in the 6th and 7th intercostal space, the patient is asked to fold their arms across their chest, medially rotating the scapulae, while bending forward at the trunk.


Friedreich ataxia

Friedreich ataxia is an autosomal recessive ataxia resulting from a mutation of a gene locus on chromosome 9.Cardinal features include progressive limb and gait ataxia, dysarthria, loss of joint position and vibration senses, absent tendon reflexes in the legs, and extensor plantar responses.dying back phenomena of axons, beginning in the periphery with ultimate loss of neurons and a secondary gliosis. The primary sites of these changes are the spinal cord and spinal roots. This results in loss of large myelinated axons in peripheral nerves, which increases with age and disease duration.

The cardinal features of FA are:

Progressive limb and gait ataxia develops before the age of 30 years.

Lower extremity tendon reflexes are absent.

Evidence of axonal sensory neuropathy is noted.

Dysarthria, areflexia, motor weakness of the lower extremities, extensor plantar responses, and distal loss of joint position and vibration senses are not found in all patients within the first 5 years, but are eventually universal.

Foot deformity, scoliosis

Clinical evidence of ventricular hypertrophy, systolic ejection murmurs, and third or fourth heart sounds may be noted.



Coenzyme Q


Hodgkin disease

Hodgkin disease is a potentially curable malignant lymphoma with distinct histology, biologic behavior, and clinical characteristics.


Asymptomatic lymphadenopathy

unexplained weight loss


night sweats

classic Pel-Ebstein fever is observed

Chest pain


shortness of breath,


Pain at sites of nodal disease by drinking alcohol is specific for Hodgkin lymphoma

Back or bone pain occurs rarely


Palpable painless lymphadenopathy occurs in the cervical area as rubbery adenopathy

Splenomegaly and/or hepatomegaly

SVC syndrome may develop in patients with massive mediastinal lymphadenopathy

Hodgkin lymphoma–associated anemia is most commonly the anemia of chronic disease.

Best Sleep Position

Generally speaking, side or back sleeping is the best. I say this because true stomach sleepers must wrench their necks to either side. When you are a small child, it works because you can turn your head 90 degrees to either side. As you get older, this becomes more difficult and you can end up with a strained neck. Back and side sleeping will keep your spine in its best alignment.
Sometimes, snorers, sleep apnea sufferers, or people with heartburn/acid reflux may have some difficulty with these sleep positions.
However, with a good neck pillow that opens up the sinuses and restores the neck curve, apnea and snoring are much improved. With a slight incline, reflux disease can be improved also.
A neck pillow also keeps your head level when you are on your side. Put a pillow between your knees and you keep your legs and pelvis level too.
Which is your sleeping position??
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Health Benefits of Bananas

Saturday 26 May 2012

U Know u r a MEDICAL STUDENT when:

U Know u r a MEDICAL STUDENT when:

1. U diagnose every single abnormality on yourself as
life threatening condition.

2. U think even that tiny hematoma on your finger is a
risk for Pulmonary embolism!

3. U look at people's veins while in bus & wonder that it would be easy to stick cannula into this one!

4. when while giving directions to somebody words like
'lateral, medial,anterior, posterior' flow out from your

5. U have one afternoon off n u feel so happy even
though its just one!

6. U go back home and your relatives think u r
already sum specialist n bombard u with their
symptoms for u to make diagnosis!

7.When people r sick they go 2 doc, but u wanna go home.

WE have a unique way of life.We are MEDICOS !!
ENJOY IT... :)

Plz SHARE IT,Let spread it among our medical community.

Symptoms of Acute Hemolytic Reaction

The 6 Easy Steps to ABG Analysis

1) Normal pH === 7.35 - 7.45
2) Normal paCO2= 35 - 45 mmHg
3) Normal HCO3 = 22 - 26mEq/L
4) Match CO2 or HCO3 wth pH.
the 1 matching with the pH is the primary acid-base disorder. e.g if CO2=60mmHg (acidosis) and pH=6 (acidosis) then the disorder is respiratory acidosis.
5) considering previous example...CO2=60mmHg, look at HCO3, if HCO3 is going opposite to pH (doing alkilosis) then the disorder is Compensatory Respiratory Acidosis...if HCO3 is unchanged then its Noncompensatory.

Exercises for those who use COMPUTERS

IVP of young boy with recurrent UTI's. Comment?

Answer: IVP film showing grade V vesicoureteric reflux disease.

A STORY which occurs in a doctor's life :(

A STORY which occurs in a doctor's life..
A doctor came home late frm his
whole day hardwork.. his 5yr old son
was waiting 4 him at a door.
SON- dad,may i ask a ques ??
SON-dad,how much do u make
an hour??
DAD- dats nt ur busineess...
SON-plz tell me
DAD-1000 rs per hour.
SON-dad may i plz borrow 800rs ?
DAD-got angry n shouted on d kid 2 go
to bed.
the little boy went 2 d room n shut d
door. after sometym man got calm n
he went to kid's room
n said- sorry for being so hard here is
ur 800rs u asked for.
kid smiled - oh thank you daddy! then
boy took out some money he had kept
under d pillow, he counted them &
- dad i hav 1000rs nw .
can i buy an hour of ur time?? pls
come home early tomorrow. i wud like
2 hav dinner wid u'''
''MORAL- plz give tym 2 people who u
luv'''. It will be feeling of kids of many doctors. So dont make ur kids in future think like this.Spend time with them.