Sunday 20 May 2012

Contraindications for blood donation


Save blood & save life. But there are some contraindications for donating blood. Most of them will neglect this & mainly think about cross matching only.

Checklist to be seen while blood donation is to be done:

1.should not have donated blood in the last 3 months.
2.should not have undergone any major surgery within 3 months. alcohol consumption 48 hours before the donation.
4.should avoid smoking on the day of donation and 3 hours after donation.
5.should not have fever at the time of donation.
6.should have had a good meal before donation.
7.should disclose whether he is under any medication for malaria, jaundice, etc.
8.should not have had any tooth extraction in the past 2 weeks.
9.should not be pregnant.
10.should not have had any immunization at least one month before.

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