Saturday 26 May 2012

The 6 Easy Steps to ABG Analysis

1) Normal pH === 7.35 - 7.45
2) Normal paCO2= 35 - 45 mmHg
3) Normal HCO3 = 22 - 26mEq/L
4) Match CO2 or HCO3 wth pH.
the 1 matching with the pH is the primary acid-base disorder. e.g if CO2=60mmHg (acidosis) and pH=6 (acidosis) then the disorder is respiratory acidosis.
5) considering previous example...CO2=60mmHg, look at HCO3, if HCO3 is going opposite to pH (doing alkilosis) then the disorder is Compensatory Respiratory Acidosis...if HCO3 is unchanged then its Noncompensatory.

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