Tuesday 31 July 2012

Cotton Ear Buds... (Must read it)

Cotton Ear Buds... (Must read it)

Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals. Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear-buds you get at the roadside.

-----> It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals.. They take all the dirty, blood- and pus-filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cotton bud, DON'T BUY THEM!!

Please share to all this may be helpful for someone
Please share to all your near and dear ones....!!

Sunday 29 July 2012






There has been a lot of hype around coconut water lately. Yet, this all natural beverage has been enjoyed by people around the world for thousands of years.

What is it that sets coconut water apart from other beverages on the market today?

1. Coconut water is rich in essential electrolytes.
Electrolytes are electrically charged ions that help your cells maintain and transmit voltages and impulses to and from other cells. Electrolytes play a vital role in your body, especially in maintaining proper functionality of your nerves, heart, and other muscles.

The electrolytes present in your body include:
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Chloride
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Phosphate
- Bicarbonate
- Sulfate

Of these electrolytes, coconut water contains about 600 mg of potassium (17 percent of your daily value) per serving. That’s more than a banana.

Coconut water is also rich in:
- Magnesium, 60 mg per serving or 15 percent of your daily value
- Sodium, 252 mg per serving or 11 percent of your daily value
- Calcium, 58 mg per serving or 6 percent of your daily value
But if these electrolytes are already in your body, why would you need to ingest more?

2. Coconut water contains zero additives.
Coconut water is an all natural beverage that comes from its source, a young, green coconut. That said, coconut water’s one and only ingredient is coconut water, which means its additive-free.

3. Coconut water is fat-free and low in calories.
Fat-free coconut water contains a mere 46 calories per serving and zero grams of fat and zero grams of trans fat.

4. Coconut water is cholesterol-fre e.
As it contains no fat or trans fat, coconut water also contains zero cholesterol.

5. Coconut water contains all natural sugar.

6. Coconut water is rich in vitamins.
The vitamins in coconut water help you maintain healthy cellular function, boost your immunity and promote your metabolism.

The essential vitamins in coconut water include:
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps boost immunity. Each serving of coconut water contains about 5.8 mg of vitamin C, which is about 10 percent of your daily value.

- B Vitamins
Coconut water contains vitamin B6, Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1) and Folate (B9). These B vitamins work together to breakdown foods and create energy by boosting metabolism.

7. Coconut water is a natural diuretic.
As a diuretic, coconut water increases urine flow.

8. Coconut water contains a large amount of dietary fiber.

9. Coconut water contains protein.

10. Coconut water is safe to drink for all ages.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Comment on the ECG?


History is hypertension

How To Fight Body Odor/Sweating?

How To Fight Body Odor/Sweating~

Body odor is affected by what sweat glands emit. If body odor is very unpleasant it may affect your social life. Excessive sweating can be embarrassing and may sometimes signal a more serious health problem. Although perspiration is basically odorless, it can take on an unpleasant smell when it comes into contact with bacteria on skin.

Natural Treatment~

-Take a shower using an antibacterial soap followed by a deodorant once in a day especially in the areas around the anus and the genitals.

-Use cotton clothes especially cotton undergarments, which lets the skin breathe. Avoid synthetic clothes.

-Wear loose cloths instead of figure-hugging ones and change your cloths daily.

-Washing areas under the armpits is a must as 80% of the body's sweat is present there.

-If you're buying products to handle perspiration knowing their difference is a must. For example, antiperspirants stop the sweat from leaving the skin by blocking the pores while deodorants destroy the bacteria when sweat leaves the body.

-To get rid of smelly feet, wash and dry between the feet adequately and wear well-ventilated footwear to let feet breath.

-Curb your coffee and tea intake. Caffeine can stimulate the autonomic nervous system, which regulates sweating. Limit yourself to two cups daily.

-Avoid alcohol since it increases perspiration potential by dilating blood vessels.

After your bath, add a tablespoon of honey to tepid water for the final rinse. This will help keep body odour in check.

Adding a teaspoon of alum to your bath water make you smell fresh all the day.

In summer, add a cup full of vinegar to your bath water or add a cupful of camphor oil to your bath water.

Baking soda used as a powder will absorb chemicals; therefore this will remove body odours. Use a powder puff, which has been used for talc, to apply the powder.

Boil mint leaves and add the water to your bath water. Keep some aside for a special dousing for your armpits and Drink one cup of tomato juice everyday for 1 week. The following week, Drink 1 cup of the juice, every other day. Then drink when needed.

Spray deodorant or talc after shower.

Scrub your body with some chamomile oil

Soak cotton wool pads in backing soda and powder the underarms.

Apply apple cider vinegar to eliminate under arm body odor.

Mix some baking soda with lemon juice. Rub mixture on underarms.

Use baby wipes to clean the underarms.

Apply some lemon juice on underarms after you get out of the shower to prevent the body odor.

Put 10 drops of the essential oil in 30 mm of water and apply on the underarms.

Slice a potato and wipe it under each clean and dry underarm a few times. Wait for it to dry and then apply deodorantbetween the thighs.

For excessive sweating mix dry sandalwood powder in rose water (1:1) and apply over parts where sweating is excessive.

Evaluation of patients with musculoskeletal complaints from Harrison's principles


1.Anatomic localization of complaint (articular vs nonarticular)
2.Determination of the nature of pathologic process (inflammatory vs noninflammatory)
3.Determination of the extent of involvement (monoarticular va polyarticular, focal, widespread)
4.Determination of chronology (acute vs chronic)
5.Consider the most common disorders first
6.Formulation of a differential diagnosis.

Friday 27 July 2012

All about CATARACT

A cataract is a congenital or degenerative opacity of the lens. The main symptom is gradual, painless vision blurring. Diagnosis is by ophthalmoscopy and slit-lamp examination. Treatment is surgical removal and placement of an intraocular lens.
Lens opacity can develop in several locations:

Central lens nucleus (nuclear cataract)
Beneath the posterior lens capsule (posterior subcapsular cataract)
Cataracts occur with aging. Other risk factors may include the following:

Trauma (sometimes causing cataracts years later)
Alcohol use
Exposure to x-rays
Heat from infrared exposure
Systemic disease (eg, diabetes)
Systemic drugs (eg, corticosteroids)
Dark eyes
Possibly chronic ultraviolet exposure
Many people have no risk factors other than age. Some cataracts are congenital, associated with numerous syndromes and diseases.

Symptoms and Signs
Cataracts generally develop slowly over years. Early symptoms may be loss of contrast, glare (halos and starbursts around lights), needing more light to see well, and problems distinguishing dark blue from black. Painless blurring eventually occurs. The degree of blurring depends on the location and extent of the opacity. Double vision occurs rarely.

With a nuclear cataract, distance vision worsens. Near vision may improve in the early stages because of changes in the refractive index of the lens; presbyopic patients may be temporarily able to read without glasses (second sight).

A posterior subcapsular cataract disproportionately affects vision because the opacity is located at the crossing point of incoming light rays. Such cataracts reduce visual acuity more when the pupil constricts (eg, in bright light, during reading). They are also the type most likely to cause loss of contrast as well as glare, especially from bright lights or from car headlights while driving at night.

Rarely, the cataract swells, occluding the trabecular drainage meshwork and causing secondary closed-angle glaucoma and pain.

Ophthalmoscopy followed by slit-lamp examination
Diagnosis is best made with the pupil dilated. Well-developed cataracts appear as gray, white, or yellow-brown opacities in the lens. Examination of the red reflex through the dilated pupil with the ophthalmoscope held about 30 cm away usually discloses subtle opacities. Small cataracts stand out as dark defects in the red reflex. A large cataract may obliterate the red reflex. Slit-lamp examination provides more details about the character, location, and extent of the opacity

Surgical removal of the cataract
Placement of an intraocular lens
Frequent refractions and corrective lens prescription changes may help maintain useful vision during cataract development. Occasionally, long-term pupillary dilation (with phenylephrine 2.5% q 4 to 8 h) is helpful for small centrally located cataracts. Indirect lighting while reading minimizes pupillary constriction and may optimize vision for close tasks. Polarized lenses reduce glare.

Usual indications for surgery include the following:

Best vision obtained with glasses is worse than 20/40 (< 6/12), or vision is significantly decreased under glare conditions (eg, oblique lighting while trying to read a chart) in a patient with bothersome halos or starbursts.
Patients sense that vision is limiting (eg, by preventing activities of daily living such as driving, reading, hobbies, and occupational activities).
Vision could potentially be meaningfully improved if the cataract is removed (ie, a significant portion of the vision loss must be caused by the cataract).
Far less common indications include cataracts that cause glaucoma or that obscure the fundus in patients who need periodic fundus examinations for management of diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. There is no advantage to removing a cataract early.

Cataract extraction is usually done using a topical or local anesthetic and IV sedation. There are 3 extraction techniques. In intracapsular cataract extraction, the cataract and lens capsule are removed in one piece; this technique is rarely used. In extracapsular cataract extraction, the hard central nucleus is removed in one piece and then the soft cortex is removed in multiple small pieces. In phacoemulsification, the hard central nucleus is dissolved by ultrasound and then the soft cortex is removed in multiple small pieces. Phacoemulsification requires the smallest incision, thus enabling the fastest healing, and is usually the preferred procedure. In extracapsular extraction (including phacoemulsification), the lens capsule is not removed.

A plastic or silicone lens is almost always implanted intraocularly to replace the optical focusing power lost by removal of the crystalline lens. The lens implant is usually placed on or within the lens capsule (posterior chamber lens). The lens can also be placed in front of the iris (anterior chamber lens) or attached to the iris and within the pupil (iris plane lens). Iris plane lenses are rarely used in the US because many designs led to a high frequency of postoperative complications. Multifocal intraocular lenses are newer and have different focusing zones that may reduce dependence on glasses after surgery. Patients occasionally experience glare or halos with these lenses, especially under low-light conditions.

In most cases, a tapering schedule of topical antibiotics (eg, moxifloxacin 0.5% 1 drop qid) and topical corticosteroids (eg, prednisolone acetate 1% 1 drop qid) is used for up to 4 wk postsurgery. Patients often wear an eye shield while sleeping and should avoid the Valsalva maneuver, heavy lifting, excessive forward bending, and eye rubbing for several weeks.

Major complications of cataract surgery are rare. Complications include the following:

Intraoperative: Bleeding beneath the retina, causing the intraocular contents to extrude through the incision (choroidal hemorrhage), vitreous prolapsing out of the incision (vitreous loss), fragments of the cataract dislocating into the vitreous, incisional burn, and detachment of corneal endothelium and its basement membrane (Descemet's membrane)
Within the first week: Endophthalmitis (infection within the eye) and glaucoma
Within the first month: Cystoid macular edema
Months later: Bullous keratopathy (ie, swelling of the cornea due to damage to the corneal pump cells during cataract surgery), retinal detachment, and posterior capsular opacification (common, but treatable with laser)
After surgery, vision returns to 20/40 (6/12) or better in 95% of eyes if there are no preexisting disorders such as amblyopia, retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. If an intraocular lens is not implanted, contact lenses or thick glasses are needed to correct the resulting hyperopia.

Many ophthalmologists recommend ultraviolet-coated eyeglasses or sunglasses as a preventive measure. Reducing risk factors such as alcohol, tobacco, and corticosteroids and controlling blood glucose in diabetes delay onset. A diet high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids (contained in vegetables such as spinach and kale) may protect against cataracts.

Wednesday 25 July 2012


HALF MAN The Story of Peng Shuilin In life we keep complaining about what is or why we don’t have. Half the time we seem dissatisfied, though full-bodied and free to choose. Fat people say,”I want to be slim.” Skinny people say,”I want to be fatter.” Poor people want to be rich and rich are never satisfied with what they have.PENG Shuilin is 78cms high. He was born in Hunan Province, China. In 1995, in Shenzhen, a freight truck sliced his body in half. His lower body and legs were beyond repairSurgeons sewed up his torso. Peng Shuilin, 37, spent nearly two years in hospital in Shenzhen, southern China, undergoing a series of operations to re-route nearly every major organ or system inside his body. Peng kept exercising his arms, building up strength, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He Survived against all odds. Now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again after a decade.Considering Peng’s plight, doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in Beijing devised an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own, creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body, with two bionic legs attached. It took careful consideration, skilled measurement and technical expertise. Peng has been walking the corridors of Beijing Rehabilitation Centre with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame. RGO is a precipitating gait orthosis, attached to a prosthetic socket bucket. There is a cable attached to both legs so when one goes forward, the other goes backwards. Rock to the side, add a bit of a twist and the leg without the weight on it advances, while the other one stays still, giving a highly efficient way of ambulation. Oh so satisfying to ‘walk’ again after ten years with half a body! Hospital vice-president Lin Liu said: “We’ve just given him a checkup; he is fitter than most men his age.” Peng Shuilin has opened his own bargain supermarket, called the Half Man-Half Price Store. The inspirational 37-year-old has become a businessman and is used as a role model for other amputees. At just 2ft 7ins tall, he moves around in a wheelchair giving lectures on recovery from disability. His attitude is amazing, he doesn’t complain. “He had good care, but his secret is cheerfulness. Nothing ever gets him down.”

Avoid these muscle mistakes

Gaining strength is easy when you first start hitting the gym. "Your muscles go through a learning process, so almost anything you do triggers growth," says Mike Boyle, ATC. "But eventually your muscles adapt and improvements level off, and you have to train smarter to see results." Hit the refresh button by purging your fitness plan of these common pitfalls.

Mistake 1: You don't train your legs
Most guys' workouts are top-heavy. A sign of true fitness is a muscular backside. The largest muscles, including the glutes, are in your lower body. Training them releases hormones that build size and strength everywhere else. Try this: The elevated back-foot split squat. Hold a bar across your upper back using an overhand grip. Assume a staggered stance, with your left foot forward and your right foot back and on a six-inch step. Lower your body as far as you can and then push back up to the starting position. Do 10 reps, switch legs and repeat. That's one set; do three.

Mistake 2: You run too much
Logging km isn't a total waste of time, but it's close. This is because your body adapts quickly to repetitive movement, and that's running in a nutshell. Plus, running doesn't activate your fast twitch muscle fibres, which are great fat burners and body builders. Try this: Intervals-short bursts of intense activity followed by active rest. Set a treadmill to an eight per cent incline and run for 30 seconds. Then rest for one minute. Do this 10 times. This type of training leads to gains in aerobic and anaerobic performance that are significantly greater than with steady-state cardio, according to a recent Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research study.

Mistake: 3 You lift too slowly
Explosive lifting leads to fast gains. It activates more fast-twitch muscle fibres, which have the greatest growth potential. So lift like you mean it. You'll also crank up your heart rate, inadvertently increasing the number of calories you burn. Try this: Do the lifting phase of each exercise as fast as possible. (The actual speed doesn't matter. As long as the movement is explosive, your body will recruit fast-twitch fibres.) Then take at least two seconds to lower the weight.

Mistake 4: You stay in a comfort zone
Professional athletes don't sharpen their game simply by working on their strengths-they also eliminate weaknesses. So should you. Try this: Perform compound exercises (that is, moves that target multiple muscles), like deadlifts, chinups and dips. They're some of the toughest exercises you can do, and you can't make serious gains without them. Boost your results with the instant exercise upgrade on this page.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


Let's say it's 6:15pm and you're going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!! A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this broadcast sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.



What is it?

Amnesia is a Greek word which means forgetfulness or loss of memory. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to remember new facts.

Who gets it?

There are two types of things which can cause anterograde amnesia:

Drugs – No, not the ones that make you high. A group of drugs called benzodiazepines (which are usually used for anxiety or to induce sleep) can cause you to forget things. This can be seen in people receiving them before undergoing surgeries, who can’t recollect the minutes around taking the drug.
Physical damage to the brain – The damage can be the result of an injury (such as after an accident) or after a surgery to the brain. Such surgeries may be needed in some types of seizures, or when a tumor is in that part of the brain.

What causes it?

The area in our brain responsible for storing memories is called the hippocampus. Damage to the area of the hippocampus can cause a problem with learning new things and retaining them.

Monday 23 July 2012

Birth Control Pill Types

Birth Control Pill Types

When taken correctly, the pill is highly effective at preventing pregnancy. But that phrase "when taken correctly" is key.

About 8% of women who take the pill become pregnant unintentionally each year. In most of those cases, the women forgot to take pills. Yet when used perfectly -- every day at the same time of day -- only 1 in 100 women have an unintended pregnancy during the first year of using the pill.

So yes, the pill works. But it's not ideal for women wanting a contraception method that they don't need to think about.
It's a very effective method for women who remember to take their pill each and every day at around the same.

Types of Pills

There are two main types of birth control pills: combination pills and progestin-only pills. Most pills are available in both a 21-day or a 28-day pack. They are often classified on the amount of estrogen and/or the amount and type of progestin.

Combination pills. These contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. Most birth control pills are combination pills. They're equally effective at preventing pregnancy -- again, when taken correctly. They may also have other benefits, including:
Shorter, lighter, more regular, and less painful periods
May reduce the severity or frequency of menstrual migraines
Can improve bleeding and pain associated with endometriosis and fibroids
May improve acne
Can lower risk of ovarian and uterine cancer
Can lower risk of pelvic inflammatory disease
May improve bone density in the years just before menopause

All combination pills slightly raise the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and blood clots that start in a leg vein but could travel to other parts of the body -- including the lungs, which could be fatal. That risk rises if you're a smoker older than 35.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Chest Xray of Heart failure.

This chest radiograph shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette and edema at the lung bases, signs of acute heart failure.


How is eating ice cream like being addicted to a drug- The more you eat, the less pleasure you get

How is eating ice cream like being addicted to a drug- The more you eat, the less pleasure you get

Over time, addicts build up a tolerance to drugs. Taking more doesn’t give them as much pleasure as their initial highs. One study showed the same may be true with ice cream. Scientists looked at one group of teens who regularly ate ice cream and another group who didn’t. The ice cream-eaters seemed to be de-sensitized to the milkshakes -- that is, the reward centers in their brains were less active than those of the group that ate ice cream less often.

Medical Miracle


Near-vegetative man was back to life after stimulation electrodes were implanted into his skull

A man who was left in a near-vegetative state by a serious assault was able to speak and eat again. The severely brain-injured patient, who is now 38, was unable to communicate, swallow or make coordinate movements for six years, before doctors revived him from this minimally conscious state (MCS) with a revolutionary therapy.

Since his skull was implanted with electrodes to stimulate a deep-lying and undamaged part of his brain, he has improved so dramatically that he can now feed himself, brush his hair and recognize and talk to his parents and doctors. The transformation achieved by the deep brain stimulation (DBS) technique, which is already used to treat Parkinson's disease and some neurological disorder (like Tourrett's Syndrome), has raised hopes that it could offer a way back to consciousness for many people with similarly serious brain damage.


Saturday 21 July 2012

Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity


Eating 1-2 banana/s a day increases immunity.

According to Japanese Scientific Research, full ripe banana with dark patches on yellow skin produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) which has the ability to combat abnormal cells. The more darker patches it has the higher will be its immunity enhancement quality; Hence, the riper the banana the better the anti-cancer quality.
Yellow skin banana with dark spots on it is 8x more effective in enhancing the property of white blood cells than green skin version.

Friday 20 July 2012

Tips to stop smoking.


Some tips for Computer users about how to prevent back pain.


A serious note about heart attacks:

A serious note about heart attacks:~

#Every one should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting.
#Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. ·
#You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
#Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. ·
#60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. ·
#Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.
#Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
# A cardiologist says if everyone who Share this post it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.

Please be a true friend and Share/TAG this article to all your friends you care about !!

Thursday 19 July 2012

CDC Addresses Fatal Opioid Overdoses, Offers Prescription Guidelines for Clinicians

The number of prescriptions for methadone has risen substantially in the United States during the past decade. Advantages of methadone vs other opioids include its long duration of action, low cost, and availability in a liquid preparation. However, methadone also has multiple drug interactions, including serious interactions with other potential drugs of abuse.

Drug overdose with methadone is an increasing problem in the United States. Previous research has found that most cases of methadone overdose are unrelated to opioid addiction treatment. In fact, most patients with overdose had not even been prescribed methadone themselves. The current study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) examines the problem of fatal methadone overdose and provides recommendations to stem the tide of this rising public health issue.

Methadone played a central role in the epidemic of prescription painkiller overdoses that has emerged over the past decade, according to new research from the CDC.

CDC researchers looked at data from 1999-2010 and, using 2009 data from 13 states—those covered by a surveillance system for drug-related deaths, the Drug Abuse Warning Network of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—came up with some startling statistics.

Published in the July 3 issue of the CDC's Vital Signs, an early release of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the research showed that

- Methadone contributed to almost 1 in 3 prescription painkiller deaths in 2009

- 6 times as many people died of methadone overdose in 2009 than a decade earlier

- About 5000 people die every year of overdose related to methadone, and a great majority of these cases are unintentional

- This represents more than 30% of prescription painkiller deaths, even though only 2% of painkiller prescriptions are for this drug

"The data are consistent over time and across different states, and they are consistent year to year," CDC director Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH, told reporters in a conference call. "We have seen a steady increase in prescription drug overdoses, and it matches very closely the steady increase in prescriptions for opiates."

According to Leonard J. Paulozzi, MD, MPH, medical epidemiologist from the Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, at CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, regardless of where the information comes from—emergency departments or mortality data—all indications point to a "dramatic" increase in deaths overall for opioids, particularly for methadone.

Methadone Risky

Methadone, which has been prescribed safely and effectively for decades in the treatment of addiction, has recently been used increasingly as a pain reliever. Some prescriptions are obtained illegally or are used for nonmedical purposes—a practice known as diversion.

Unlike other drugs, methadone may build up in the body and disrupt respiration or cardiac rhythm. According to the CDC report, 4 of every 10 overdose deaths from a single prescription painkiller involved methadone—twice as many as any other prescription painkiller.

"Methadone is riskier than other prescription painkillers and it should only be used for pain when other drugs haven't been effective," said Dr. Frieden. "There are plenty of safer alternatives to methadone," he added, including other opiates, nonopioid drugs, and physical therapy.

"Since it's available as a generic drug, methadone may be less costly than other drugs, but using it comes with a huge human cost," said Dr. Frieden.

"Using methadone for pain is pennywise and pound foolish because although it may cost a couple of dollars less per pill, the result is many more emergency department visits and a much higher societal cost in deaths and addiction and other problems that can be avoided."

No Special Training

Federal efforts to warn healthcare providers that methadone should not be the first choice for pain relief have not significantly lowered the number of methadone prescriptions.

"The amount of methadone declined in recent years, but the number of prescriptions has not declined through 2009, so there's no indication that doctors are prescribing it less often; it's just that they're probably prescribing it at somewhat lower dosages," said Dr. Paulozzi. A majority of these prescriptions are written by practitioners who typically do not have special training in pain management.

According to Dr. Frieden, almost all states have some sort of prescription drug monitoring program.

"We are encouraged by some of the innovation and commitment we're seeing around the country," said Dr. Frieden. He used Oklahoma as an example of a state that has developed a "real-time" prescription drug monitoring program that posts information on its system almost immediately after a prescription has been written.

"Other states are doing more and more to reach out to doctors who may have problematic prescribing patterns to either educate them if it's an information gap or to take regulatory action if they are essentially selling prescriptions and, similarly, to identify patients who may be in need of treatment and encourage them to get treatment, or those who are using medication refills as a way of selling prescriptions, and to take appropriate action."

Provider Guidelines

According to the CDC, healthcare providers can help prevent prescription painkiller overdoses by adhering to the following guidelines:

- Screening and monitoring for substance abuse and other mental health problems

- Prescribing only the quantity needed based on the expected length of pain

- Using patient-provider agreements combined with urine drug tests for people taking methadone long term

- Using prescription drug monitoring programs to identify patients who are misusing or abusing methadone or other prescription painkillers, and

- Educating patients on how to safely use, store, and dispose of prescription painkillers and how to prevent and recognize overdoses

MMWR. 2012;61. Published online July 3, 2012. Abstract.

Researchers evaluated data from the National Vital Statistics System between 1999 and 2009 for methadone-related deaths. A database from the Drug Enforcement Administration was used to track methadone prescriptions. Methadone use related to opioid treatment programs was not included in the study analysis.
The study also examined reports of drug-related deaths in 2009 from 13 states.
There was a steady increase in the number of prescriptions of methadone for pain between 1999 and 2008, at which time the total number of prescriptions leveled off. Methadone accounted for 1.7% of all opioid prescriptions in 2009.
There was a concomitant rise in the rate of methadone-related deaths during the study period. The mortality rate of methadone-related deaths peaked at 1.8 deaths per 100,000 persons in 2007.
State data demonstrated that methadone was associated with 31.4% of all opioid-related deaths, a figure well out of proportion to its percentage of opioid prescriptions.
Methadone was involved in 39.8% of single-drug deaths, more than twice the rate of any other opioid.
The authors of the current study make the following recommendations to prevent overdose with methadone:
Methadone should not be prescribed to opioid-naive patients.
Methadone should not be prescribed for mild pain or on an as-needed basis.
Most methadone prescriptions are written for musculoskeletal pain and headaches. These indications are generally inappropriate, and only practitioners with experience in prescribing methadone should be recommending the drug.
Insurers should require authorization for starting doses of methadone beyond the recommended upper limit of 30 mg/day.
Pharmaceutical companies should introduce a 2.5-mg dose of methadone.

The current study by the CDC demonstrates that the number of methadone prescriptions has increased during the past decade, with a commensurate disproportionate number of opioid-related deaths from methadone. This finding is particularly true for single-drug fatal overdoses.
Only practitioners experienced in pain management should prescribe methadone, and methadone should not be used for indications such as headache or back pain. Methadone should be prescribed only for patients who have received other opioids, and methadone should not be used on an as-needed basis.

Dietary Benefits of White Oats

Dietary Benefits of White Oats:

>Oats are an excellent source of soluble dietary fiber. They are
derived from natural whole grain.
>The quality of these Oats is
improved, by mixing it with Oat
Bran. This fiber helps lower bad
cholesterol in the blood
>Soluble fiber in white oats can
help in weight control as it can
replace high fat and calories in
food and can lead to cutback in
total calorie intake.
>A diet rich in oats also helps
stabilize blood glucose levels,
which could help people with
Type II (non-insulin dependent)
>>Women’s Health – Oat Meal helps
with ovarian / uterine disorders.
Depression / mood swings after
menopause are lesser while on oat meal because of its high
protein & fiber content of the Oat
>Oats have much needed fatty
acids & antioxidants which together with vitamin E slow cell
damage and reduce the risk of
>Soluble fiber can also prevent
constipation, gastro-intestinal
disorders, colon cancer, piles and
varicose veins and assist in
regulating the digestive functions.
>Oats are very low in salt and are
a good source of natural iron
it's also good for your hormonal
system .!

Which anti-lipid therapy to choose. Here is a general guideline on treating lipid abnormalities - combinations :

Which anti-lipid therapy to choose. Here is a general guideline on treating lipid abnormalities - combinations :

LDL high - Statin
LDL high + HDL low - statin
TG moderately high + LDL high - Statin
TG moderately high + HDL low - Niacin
TG very high - Fibrates
TG very high + HDL low - Fibrates
TG very high + LDL high - Statin + Fibrates Remember when LDL is high, STATIN always gets first preference and statin can also modestly increase HDL level. If you do not achieve the LDL or HDL goals, you can always combine other agents.
If low HDL is the only risk factor; NIACIN gets the preference ( It can increase HDL by 35% max - no other drug can increase more than 20%). Side effects of Niacin are severe flushing and headaches. Start low dose and slowly tit-rate up based on tolerance

Health benefits of fruits & vegetables.


Wednesday 18 July 2012

25 tips for a healthy heart. Must see poster


Mixed Venous Saturation - Importance in Septic Shock

Mixed Venous Saturation - Importance in Septic Shock

Concept of Mixed Venous Saturation in Septic Shock : Mixed venous saturation (Svo2) is an important concept while managing patients with Septic Shock. This is one of the sepsis management guidelines - the guideline is that every attempt should be made to keep mixed venous sat > 70% . This mixed venous sat is obtained by collecting sample from central venous catheter. So, a central line must be placed in any patient with septic shock not only to start fluids and pressors but also it helps you to get frequent samples to test Sv02. a) Now, what is this mixed venous sat? - Remember, saturation on arterial side in a well-oxygenated patient is around 99% to 100%. So, when you have arterial sat at 100, you should expect mixed venous sat to be at least > 70%. If it is less than 70% ( A-v difference more than 30) ; it means tissues are sucking out oxygen from arterial blood so, by the time blood gets to venous side the oxygen content is so low. So, what if tissues suck out oxygen ..is not this a good thing? Yes, but the question should arise why are they sucking out so much 02 more than usual ...... the reason usually, is because the 02 delivery to tissues is impaired so, they want to get as much as they can out of what they are supplied with. So, that means if mixed venous sat is low ..it indirectly means there is low 02 delivery to the tissues. b) Now, apply the formula of 02 delivery to understand this concept better. 02 delivery = Oxygen content x Cardiac Output . Oxygen content = (Hgb x 1.36 x SaO2) . So, O2 delivery = (Hgbx1.36x SaO2) x Cardiac Output . c) So, if someone has mixed venos sat < 70% that means low o2 delivery ..how can we improve that ? The only modifiable parameters in the formula above are HG and Cardiac output if Sa02 is already at 99%. So, blood transfusion to maintain hg > 10gm% is first step. If that goal is met, second step is to increase cardiac output by adding dopamine + dobutamine in a septic shock patient. d) So, if mixed venous sat < 70% this is how you should work 1) Check HGB. if less than 10gm%, transfuse 2) If HGB > 10gm%, add dobutamine to a pressor to improve cardiac output. Other interventions aimed at improving cardiac output is also acceptable. Try to maintain mixed venous sat > 70% by doing the above two steps!

Friday 13 July 2012

Dedicated to All the Medicos out here :D

Dedicated to All the Medicos out here :D

A Young Medical Student Goes 2 Bar & Sees A Beautiful gal sitting Alone.!!He Gathers Sum Courage, Goes To... Her Table & Asks:
"Would u Mind If I Sit Here Besides u?"
She Responds Loudly:
"No I don't Wanna Spend The Night With u!"
Every1 At Bar Turned & Stared the guy.
Young Guy Shocked & Embarrassed Goes Back 2 His Table.
After Few Minutes That Gal Slowly Walks To Him, Apologizes & Says
"You See I'm A Student In
Psychology & Studying How People Respond To Embarrassing Situations! "
Guy Responds Loudly "What! Rs.3000/ - that's Too Much!"
Everyone Stares at d gal. Guy Silently Whispers "don't mess with a Medicos "

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Description of coughing & Appearance of sputum


Benefits of Almond Milk

Benefits of Almond Milk~

Almond milk is a great alternative to dairy milk.
Weight Management,
Plain almond milk without added sugars or flavoring contains 60 calories per each 8 oz serving size. This option works well for people looking to lose or maintain weight.

The low caloric content of almond milk causes less of an impact on our totally daily consumption of food calories. Some milk varieties contain more sugars than the cereal that they get combined with.

Heart Health,
Almond milk contains no cholesterol and only 5 mg of sodium per serving. Consuming foods low in sodium and cholesterol help us to maintain better heart health and normal blood pressure.
Without cholesterol, almond milk also decreases our chances of gaining bad cholesterol levels, all while increasing the good cholesterol levels. Almond milk also contains 150 mg of potassium in every serving. This mineral works to promote healthy blood pressure.

Blood Sugar Friendly,
Unlike other milk alternatives, the plain almond option contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The 7 grams of sugars that make up the carbohydrate content have a limited affect on our blood sugar levels. When we consume simple sugars, our metabolic functions tend to miss the nutrients, storing much of the carbs as fat.
Instead, the low amount of sugars in almond milk have a low glycemic nature, meaning our bodies fully digest them and use them as energy. Diabetics benefit from this characteristic as well.

Bone Health
Almond milk contains 30% of our recommended daily value of calcium and 25% of Vitamin D. These nutrients work together to build strong bones in men, women, children and infants.
Vitamin D also helps improve immunity and cell function. Some studies have shown that Vitamin D helps decrease osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease. The magnesium in found in almond milk helps absorb more of the calcium provided by the nutritious beverage.

Skin Care
Every serving of pure almond milk contains 50% of our recommended daily value of Vitamin E. This powerful nutrient has antioxidant abilities in that it helps regulate Vitamin A use and availability.
More importantly, Vitamin E acts the primary regulatory nutrient that improves skin health.

Eye Health
The moderate levels of Vitamin A found in almond milk helps keep our eyes functioning properly. Vitamin A directly influences the eye’s ability to adjust to differences in light.

More Muscle Power
Even though almond milk only contains 1 gram of protein per serving, it does contain B Vitamins in the form of riboflavin, plus other muscle regulating nutrients like iron. Each serving of almond milk contains about 4% of our recommended daily intake of iron, which helps muscles absorb and use protein for energy, growth and repair.

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Today is World Population Day


Cardiac tamponade - Beck's triad


Sunday 8 July 2012

There are no healthy or unhealthy foods- only healthy or unhealthy diets.


Mangoes Health Benefits

Mangoes Health Benefits~

Improves Digestion

Mangoes are very much beneficial for people suffering from acidity and its enzymes helps to relieve indigestion problems. The Bio-active elements such as Esters, Terpenes and Aldehydes present in mango aids to easy digestion.

Lowers Cholesterol

High level of soluble dietary fiber, Pectin and Vitamin C present in mangoes helps to lower serum cholesterol levels specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol.

Vitamin E

Mango has alot of vitamin E that helps for ur skin n other body diseases. In many varieties of mango there is about 2.3 to 3 mg of Vitamin E per mango.

Improves Concentration and Memory Power

Mangoes are useful to children who lack concentration in studies as it contains Glutamine acid which is good to boost memory and keep cells active.

For Treating Acne

Mango helps in clearing clogged pores that causes acne. Just slice the mango into very thin pieces and keep it on your face for 10 to 15 min and then take bath or wash your face. Use warm water for washing your face.

High Iron for Women

It’s a known fact that Mango is rich in Iron. People who suffer from anemia can regularly take mango along with their dinner. Generally women after menopause become weak and they should take mangoes and other fruits rich in iron. Pregnant ladies can also take mangoes occasionally as their body needs iron and calcium during that time. Too much consumption of mangoes should be avoided during pregnancy.

Prevents Cancer and Heart diseases

High amount of antioxidants are present in mangoes. So mango when consumed regularly fights against cancer and other heart diseases. As mentioned earlier it also lowers cholesterol.

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Cancer got cancer & died


Saturday 7 July 2012

Hair Care Tips

Hair Care Tips~

>>Brush your hair before washing it. This way you'll remove any dirt from your hair.

>>Massage your scalp gently massage will boost your circulation.

>>Shampoo. Nobody can tell you how often you have to shampoo your hair. When you feel your hair is dirty, wash it gentle, with a shampoo that works on your hair.

>>Rinse Best way to rinse your hair is by using vinegar, if possible apple vinegar. Rinsing helps your hair shine.

>>Drying your hair Let your hair dry naturally. Squeeze the water, and then use a towel to blot your hair. This way you'll have a moisturized, healthy hair.

>>Hairbrush Do not use a hairbrush until your hair is dry; the wet hair can be easily damaged.

>>Avoid plastic hairbrushes; hair will probably end up in knots.

>>Have a healthy life and you'll have a healthy hair, too Hair styling Try to avoid curling irons and hair-dryers to prevent hair damage. Also, avoid heat and prolonged exposure to sunlight.!

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Overview of Bacterial Infections


Heartbeat of Med school life


Lol. We are different from normal persons in these abbrevations


A Best Lesson in Psychology
