Sunday 3 June 2012

The difference between Nephrotic & Nephritic syndrome:

The difference between Nephrotic &
Nephritic syndrome is something easy to
forget, especially since the words are almost
identical. On a simple level, just remember
that Nephrotic syndrome involves the loss of
a lot of protein, whereas Nephritic syndrome
involves the loss of a lot of blood.
Nephrotic Syndrome
Proteinurea (>3.5g in 24hrs)
++++ Protein
Urine looks frothy
Tip: Nephrotic & Protein both have an “O”
which may help you remember!
Albumin is lost in the urine
Due to gaps in Podocytes allowing proteins
to escape
Swelling around ankles & eyes
Due to loss of albumin
Intravascular oncotic pressure ↓
Fluid moves out of vessels
Not really understood why this happens
Just a case of remembering it does!
Nephritic Syndrome
+++ Blood – May be microscopic or
macroscopic haematuria
Red cell casts – distinguishing feature, form
in nephrons & indicate glomerular damage
Podocytes develop large pores which allow
blood & protein through
++ Protein (small amount)
Usually only mild.

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