Saturday 9 June 2012


Do you know about Erythromelalgia ?

Erythromelalgia is a rare disorder that is characterized by burning pain and warmth and redness of the extremities.
Devastating disorder that typically affects the skin of the feet or hands, or both, and causes visible redness, intense heat and burning pain.

'The term erythromelalgia describes the syndrome: erythros (redness), melos (extremity) and algia (pain). An alternate name is “erythermalgia” that emphasizes the thermos (heat) – an essential part of the syndrome'

While usually affecting the lower extremities and upper extremities other body parts like faces or just ears or the nose may be involved. It usually affects both sides of the body, but can affect just one.

The associated pain and burning sensations can be extremely severe. People with EM often make major adjustments to their lifestyles to avoid flare-ups. Even in mild-to-moderate cases, normal functioning such as walking, standing, working, socializing, exercising, and sleeping may be impaired.

Precipitating factors include warm temperatures and even mild exercise. Cooling the hot body parts relieves the pain, as does elevating the affected areas.
[The use of icy water is strongly discouraged as ice can damage the skin. Using a fan or cool water is suggested instead.]

Approximately five percent of those with EM have an inherited condition that research has shown to be caused by genetic mutations. These people usually have other members of their families with the syndrome.

The cause of EM is unknown in the vast majority of cases. Peripheral neuropathies underlie many, and in some cases EM may be secondary to other disorders like the blood disease polycythemia.

A number of different medications have been shown effective in relieving symptoms of EM. However, no one drug helps everyone. Traditional over-the-counter pain medications or stronger prescription drugs help some.
Anticonvulsant drugs like Neurontin and Lyrica help others. Certain antidepressants like Cymbalta help still others. Combinations of drugs also have been reported effective. For instance, Lyrica and Cymbalta, at the lowest possible dosage, have been reported to be more effective than either drug by itself...

Platelet inhibition is helpful in patients with thrombocytosis. Aspirin is most often used, but anagrelide may also be effective.The optimal pharmacologic therapy in primary erythromelalgia is still unknown.

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