Wednesday 21 November 2012

Indian Solid Gold ~ Anti cancer agent

Turmeric - this is not only a great Indian spice but an prophylactic and  even an anti-cancer agent which is known as "Indian solid gold" because of its proven health benefits. Various scientific studies have shown that the yellow color of turmeric is due to such a compound (polyphenol) as curcumin, which is a potent anti-inflammatory agent, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and antioxidant. These properties of curcumin can inhibit the growth of tumor cells, as well as inhibit the enzymes that activate carcinogens. Anti-cancer effect of curcumin has been conclusively demonstrated in experiments in cell culture, and is the unique ability of curcumin and its analogues (curcuminoids) induce programmed death (apoptosis) of cancer cells without cytotoxic effects on healthy cells.
The following are the benefits of turmeric.
* Turmeric is a natural antiseptic, and the use of turmeric for minor cuts and burns to promote rapid healing of wounds.

* Turmeric is said to have anti-cancer properties.
* Turmeric helps to detoxify harmful chemicals and toxins from the body.
* They say, plays a role in the prevention of leukemia.
* If included in the daily diet, turmeric helps in improving the immune system and keeps the body from disease.
* Turmeric slows the aging process by promoting cell growth and rejuvenation.
* Turmeric stimulates the metabolism and thus helps in weight management.
* It has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
Benefits of Turmeric for skin: Stress, pollution and poor diet all affect the skin in a negative aspect. Pimples, moles and age spots have become so common. People often resort to the use of commercial products, treatments, or impose heavy makeup to hide these marks on the skin. But the products are given only external beauty and temporary. For naturally beautiful skin, you should prefer natural skin care products. Turmeric is a compulsory ingredient that must be present in the natural skin care regime. For skin, turmeric can be used both inside and locally. Pay attention to the following points, which summarize the benefits of turmeric for skin care.
* Acne: Acne is a universal problem faced by people. Bacteria and dirt clog pores in the skin, and break out in the form of acne. Turmeric helps cure acne and helps to maintain clear skin. Other benefits of turmeric for acne include - control sebum, acne reduction, etc.
* Pigmentation: Hormonal changes, long exposure to the Sun or the body produces too much melanin, some of the reasons that cause skin pigmentation. Consistent application of turmeric helps reduce pigmentation.
* Bruises: Children are more prone to bruises and minor cuts. Only the application of turmeric powder on such minor cuts promotes rapid healing of wounds.
* Glowing skin: Regular use of turmeric brightens skin tone and brightens the face.
* Burns: Turmeric also helps faster healing of burn marks. Regular use of turmeric would undoubtedly facilitate the burn marks.
* Stretching: Stretching of particular concern to young mothers. The use of turmeric for fresh stretch will help ease them to a large extent.
* Moisturizes: Turmeric is a wonderful ingredient to combat dry skin. The use of turmeric with milk moisturizes dry skin.
* Clear skin: Turmeric mixed with milk, this cream helps reducing hair growth on the skin.
* Skin disorders: frequent use of turmeric, can help in the fight against serious skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, red rash on the skin, and smallpox
* Aging: And last but not the least. Turmeric helps delay aging antioxidants in turmeric play a key role in the fight against aging.
Turmeric is rightly called "the spice of life!" This amazing spice has many other advantages, the most important of which is its role in enhancing immunity. This spice is a mandatory component of all Indian dishes and taking it with food is the best way to make use of its benefits.

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