Thursday 8 November 2012

Carpal tunnel syndrome 'MNEMONICS'

Carpal tunnel syndrome 'MNEMONICS' 

MEDIAN TRAP:*. Myxoedema (hyopthyroidism)*. ETOH (alcohol)*. Diabetes mellitus*. Idiopathic
*. Amyloidosis
*. Neoplasia
*. Trauma
*. Rheumatoid arthritis
*. Acromegaly
*. Pregnancy

clinical features:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common 'ENTRAPMENT' neuropathy in rheumatology clinic.
*. E ntrapment neuropathy
*. N octurnal pain and paraesthesia of hand
*. T henar wasting, T humb abduction weak,
*. R elief of symptoms with steroid injection.
*. A bductor pollicis brevis evidently weak
*. P halen's sign (maneuver)positive
*.M edian nerve compression features
*. Electrophysiological confirmation (many surgeons require) before carpal tunnel decompression
*. N umbness
*. T inel's sign positive
*.W ear splints at night
*.R est
*.I nject steroid
*.S urgical decompression
*.T ake diuretics

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