Wednesday 31 October 2012



Rabies is practically a 100% fatal disease .There are only 4
recorded survivors till date who recovered following intensive life
support and excellent nursing care.

Points to Remember:
1.Rabies is 100% fatal.
2.Rabies is preventable through wound care, correct use of vaccines and sera.
3.Incorrect/wrong treatment to animal bite victims may lead to rabies death and litigation under Consumer Protection Act.
4.It is very important also to elicit information about the biting
animal (dog/cat).
5.Healthy, pet and regularly vaccinated dog / cat (low risk
6.Healthy, pet and vaccination doubtful or not done
(moderate risk category).
7.Rabid, Sick, died, stray (dog/cat) or other animals or wild
animals (high risk category).

The signs of rabies in the dog/cat are:
-->Any change in its normal behaviour
suggesting either undue aggression
or depression.
--->Running aimlessly and attacking
others without any provocation.
--->Becomes too drowsy and withdraws
itself to a corner.
--->Excessive salivation.
--->Change in its voice/bark.
--->Refusal to feed or eating unusual objects like stone, paper, wood, metal pieces, etc.
--->Death of the animal.

--.Wash all wounds under running water (or flushing) for atleast
10-15 minutes.
-->Gently clean all wounds with a detergent or any soap available (soaps are viricidal).
-->Apply any household antiseptic like Dettol, Savlon, and Povidone iodine (preferred).
-->In extraneous circumstances other alcoholic (>40%) preparations like Rum, Whisky, after-shave lotion may be
applied on the wound (s).

"Do not"
-->B a n d a g e o r d r e s s t h e w o u n d
(wherever practicable or as far as
-->Use tincture iodine.
-->Suture the wound.

--->Not to apply any local applicants like turmeric, neem, red chilli, lime, plant juices, coffee powder, coin, etc. as these will act as irritants and propel the virus in the wound deeper t o c a u s e n e r v e i n f e c t i o n a n d resultant rabies encephalitis and


SHARE and Dont ignore!!!!

Monday 29 October 2012

Health benefits of Papaya & Seeds









Health benefits of Papaya & Seeds

Papaya is rich in Vitamin A and in potassium.

The seeds and leaves of the fruit help in curing intestinal worms in the body.
The enzyme papain in the fruit acts as a digestive enzyme and helps in natural digestion process therefore relieving you from constipation problems.

Papaya's skin acts as a good catalyst for treating skin wounds and places which do not heal quickly.

The fruit is also low in calories. Papaya also helps in preventing dandruff and is good for the scalp. It is always best to use papaya shampoo.

Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for Women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation

Benefit of Papaya Seeds:

Seeds are edible and they can be eaten

Kidney Protection
Papaya Seeds extract can protect the kidney from toxin-induced kidney failure.

Eliminates Intestinal Parasites
Papaya Seeds can also eliminate Intestinal Parasites and thee are also evidences for this.

Liver Detoxifier
Papaya seeds are often recommended by natural doctors in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Friday 26 October 2012


1.It gives you a free mini physical examination.
Before donating blood, your hemoglobin level will be tested. If it is low, then you will not be allowed to donate blood. Besides hemoglobin, your blood pressure level and body weight will also be checked. In addition, your blood will also be examined for detecting the presence of five diseases, namely, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. If you are not suffering from these diseases, only then you will be allowed to donate your blood.



2.Chances of heart disease and stokes are about 30% lesser in men who donate blood regularly.


3.Reduces blood pressure.

4.Iron overloading is also thought to increase the risk of heart diseases. Besides, iron oxidizes cholesterol, which is harmful for the arteries. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease characterized by excess accumulation of iron in the tissues due to improper metabolism. The disease can cause damage to many organs like pancreas, adrenal glands, etc. It may also cause diabetes, liver diseases and heart diseases. So, donating blood on a regular basis would help you to regulate the level of iron in your body. Studies have shown that donating blood regularly can be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of heart diseases, especially among young people.

5.Production of new red blood cells enhanced. Bone marrow is activated.

6.Burns calories: one unit of blood donation causes burning of about 650 calories.



7.Heeling of Euphoria - well being.



8.Reduces Risk of Cancer.


9.A unit of blood donated by you can benefit three persons. Blood can be separated into RBC, PLASMA and PLATELETS. All of them are life saving.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Space of Poirier

*Space of Poirier:

Diagram of arcuate ligament (greater arc, zone of fractures and dislocations),
lesser arc (zone of dislocations), and
space of Poirier (vulnerable zone between greater and lesser arcs),

superimposed on wrist radiograph.

>Fibers of radioscaphocapitate ligament (yellow) and
ulnocapitate ligament (purple) interdigitate and form an arclike ligamentous structure, termed the arcuate ligament, in the greater arc region (black line). Note lesser arc that outlines the lunate (dashed red line).
>The scapholunate ligament and lunotriquetral ligament are part of the lesser arc, which does not extend to the distal radius and ulna.

*{The space of Poirier (white arrows) is located between the lesser and greater arcs.}

Early signs of prostate cancer

There are no definite early warning signs of prostate cancer. However, individuals report problems with the prostate gland in the initial stage of the disease. When an individual experiences difficulty initiating or stopping urine stream, or his urination frequency is more than usual, or experiences pain during urination, or pain when ejaculating, he should see a doctor for prostate cancer screening.Mentioned below are the detailed common signs of prostate cancer that are exhibited in its initial stage.Difficulty urinating – It is the condition when you feel like urinating but don’t urinate or urination stops or you have to go more often to urinate. Another case could be  difficulty in stopping urination, which is also known as urinary incontinence. Prostate tumour can interfere with urination or ejaculation as the prostate gland surrounds the urethra (tube that carries both urine and semen). Moreover, men may encounter urination difficulty or prostate enlargement leading to urinary problems as they age.Pain while urinating – Prostate tumour may suppress the urethra and cause pain while urination. However, the symptom should not be confused with prostatitis (infection of the prostate) or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).Blood in urine – Blood smear in urine is another indication of prostate cancer in its initial phase. See a doctor to confirm if the blood in urine is due to developing prostate cancer or other urinary tract infections.Difficulty to keep an erection – A growing prostate tumour can prevents increase in blood flow for an erection, or prevents the erection from sustaining to ejaculation.Blood in semen – Pinkish or streaked semen in an indicator of early stage of prostate cancer, which occurs as a result of prostate tumour’s interference with urethra.Chronic constipation and intestinal problems – A developing prostrate tumour tends to hamper digestive functions, as positioning of prostate gland is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum.Frequent pain in the lower back, or hips, or upper thighs – Prostrate cancer affects or spreads to lower back, pelvis and hips. If you are experiencing pain and tenderness in these areas, you must see a doctor to clarify the root cause of unexplained sign. Usually, pain in sciatica and lower back feels deeper.Most men are surprised to learn that they are diagnosed with prostate cancer, as they encounter no specific symptoms at all. If men experience signs mentioned above, they are advised by doctor to take prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for confirming it.

Monday 22 October 2012

How to do YOGA


The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind the yoke. It is the true union of our will with the will of God.Our ancient sages have suggested eight stages of Yoga to secure purity of body, mind and soul and final communion with God. These eight stages are known as Ashtangayoga.The eight stages of Yoga are as follows :

Yama (Social Discipline): Yama means restraint or abstention. It contains five moral practices. They are: Non-violence (Ahimsa), Truthfulness (Satya), Non-stealing (Asteya), Celibacy (Brahmacharya) and Non-acquisitiveness (Aparigraha).

Niyama (Individual Discipline): Rules of conduct towards oneself consist of certain disciplines which are both physical and mental. These are five in number:Cleanliness (Shaucha), Contentment (Santosha), Austerity (Tapas), Self-Study (Svadhyaya) and Surrender to God (Ishvara Pranidhana)

Asana (Postures): Asana means holding the body in a particular posture to bring stability to the body and poise to the mind. The practice of asana brings purity in tubular channels, firmness to the body and vitality to the body and the mind. There are many asanas, but keeping in view a comman's health, 65 asanas have been in practice and will be soon available at this website.

Pranayama (Breath Control): The literal meaning of Pranayama is Breath Control. The aim of practising Pranayama is to stimulate, regulate and harmonize vital energy of the body. Just as a bath is required for purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the body. Just as a bath is required to purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the mind.

Pratyahara (Discipline of the Senses): The extroversion of the sense organs due to their hankering after worldly objects has to be restrained and directed inwards towards the source of all existence. This process of drawing the sense inwards is Pratyahara or putting the sense under restraint.

Dharana (Concentration): Dharana means focusing the pure mind on one's personal deity or on the individual self. The practice of Dharana helps the mind to concentrate on a particular object.

Dhyana (Meditation): When one sustains and maintains the focus of attention through Dharana unbound by time and space, it becomes Dhyana (Meditation). Deep concentration destroys the Rajas and Tamas Gunas of mind and develops the Satvika Gunas (qualities).

Samadhi (Self-Realisation): The eight and final stage of Yoga is Samadhi. At this stage, one's identity becomes both externally and internally immersed in meditation. The meditator, the act of meditation and the object meditated upon, all the three shed their individual characteristics and merge with one single vision of the entire cosmos. Supreme happiness, fee from pleasure, pain or misery, is experienced. Samadhi is the climax of Dhyana.

Stages of YOGA. Must see post for everyone.


The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind the yoke. It is the true union of our will with the will of God.
Our ancient sages have suggested eight stages of Yoga to secure purity of body, mind and soul and final communion with God.
These eight stages are known as Ashtangayoga.The eight stages of Yoga are as follows :

Yama (Social Discipline): Yama means restraint or abstention. It contains five moral practices. They are: Non-violence (Ahimsa), Truthfulness (Satya), Non-stealing (Asteya), Celibacy (Brahmacharya) and Non-acquisitiveness (Aparigraha).

Niyama (Individual Discipline): Rules of conduct towards oneself consist of certain disciplines which are both physical and mental. These are five in number:Cleanliness (Shaucha), Contentment (Santosha), Austerity (Tapas), Self-Study (Svadhyaya) and Surrender to God (Ishvara Pranidhana)

Asana (Postures): Asana means holding the body in a particular posture to bring stability to the body and poise to the mind. The practice of asana brings purity in tubular channels, firmness to the body and vitality to the body and the mind. There are many asanas, but keeping in view a comman's health, 65 asanas have been in practice and will be soon available at this website.

Pranayama (Breath Control): The literal meaning of Pranayama is Breath Control. The aim of practising Pranayama is to stimulate, regulate and harmonize vital energy of the body. Just as a bath is required for purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the body. Just as a bath is required to purifying the body, so also Pranayama is required for purifying the mind.

Pratyahara (Discipline of the Senses): The extroversion of the sense organs due to their hankering after worldly objects has to be restrained and directed inwards towards the source of all existence. This process of drawing the sense inwards is Pratyahara or putting the sense under restraint.

Dharana (Concentration): Dharana means focusing the pure mind on one's personal deity or on the individual self. The practice of Dharana helps the mind to concentrate on a particular object.

Dhyana (Meditation): When one sustains and maintains the focus of attention through Dharana unbound by time and space, it becomes Dhyana (Meditation). Deep concentration destroys the Rajas and Tamas Gunas of mind and develops the Satvika Gunas (qualities).

Samadhi (Self-Realisation): The eight and final stage of Yoga is Samadhi. At this stage, one's identity becomes both externally and internally immersed in meditation. The meditator, the act of meditation and the object meditated upon, all the three shed their individual characteristics and merge with one single vision of the entire cosmos. Supreme happiness, fee from pleasure, pain or misery, is experienced. Samadhi is the climax of Dhyana.

Sunday 21 October 2012

8 Steps To Cure Constipation

8 Steps To Cure Constipation ~

1.Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. It is very important to keep the intestines working well. Keep the water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning.

2.Put a teasp
oon of ghee in a glassful of warm milk. Drink it when going to bed. It is very helpful in relieving from constipation.

3.Go for morning walk by having 2-3 glasses of warm water. This will prevent constipation and clear bowel movements.

4.Include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Papaya and sugarcane are especially beneficial. Tomato and beetroot salads are also very useful in constipation relief.

5.Apples are very beneficial in treating constipation. Eat two apples every morning. Bite them with the teeth instead of using a knife to cut them into slices.

6.The simplest home remedy for constipation is to drink a glass of lemon juice in water with a pinch of salt in it. This will treat any kind of constipation you are suffering from.

7.Papaya and guava are also useful in treating constipation. Regular intake of papaya at early morning in an empty stomach prevents constipation.

8.You can also take warm lime water early in the morning. It prevents constipation and keeps the body and mind fresh.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Incredible medical breakthrough allows doctors to inject oxygen into the bloodstreams of people who can’t breathe

Incredible medical breakthrough allows doctors to inject oxygen into the bloodstreams of people who can’t breathe

In a monumental breakthrough with far ranging implications, cardiologists at the Children's Hospital Boston in Massachusetts have kept suffocating rabbits alive for 15 minutes with injections of oxygen-filled microparticles. The groundbreaking procedure could conceivably prevent millions of deaths each year caused by such things as heart attacks and choking. Developed by John Kheir and his team at CHB, the technique could prevent heart attacks and any kind of injury caused by oxygen deprivation once it's proven safe for human use. It might also be used to avoid cerebral palsy which is caused by a compromised fetal blood supply. Assuming the procedure could ever be developed for use outside of clinical settings, people could use it in the event of emergencies. It could also become part of a first aid kit in anticipation of problems -– a welcome breakthrough for scuba divers and high altitude climbers.

The researchers also note that the technique could be used to augment oxygen delivery to at-risk organs, while opening the door to entirely new diagnostic techniques.

Outside of medical use, the procedure could also impact on normal human functioning. Swimmers and divers could conceivably take the injections and stay underwater for unprecedented lengths of time.

Writing in the journal Nature, Duncan Graham-Rowe explains how it was done: The microcapsules used by Kheir and his team…consist of single-layer spherical shells of biological molecules called lipids, each surrounding a small bubble of oxygen gas. The gaseous oxygen is thus encapsulated and suspended in a liquid emulsion, so can't form larger bubbles.

The particles are injected directly into the bloodstream, where they mingle with circulating red blood cells. The oxygen diffuses into the cells within seconds of contact, says Kheir. "By the time the microparticles get to the lungs, the vast majority of the oxygen has been transferred to the red blood cells," he says. This distinguishes these microcapsules from the various forms of artificial blood currently in use, which can carry oxygen around the body, but must still receive it from the lungs.

In the experiment, the rabbits underwent 15 minutes of complete tracheal occlusion (their air passageways were blocked), but showed no ill effects during the procedure.

Looking ahead, Kheir noted that a primary advantage of his technique is how fast it goes to work. Graham-Rowe writes: He thinks that it might be possible to modify the technique to keep subjects alive for as much as 30 minutes, but doubts that it could be pushed much further. Because the microparticles do not recirculate, it would be necessary to continuously infuse fresh ones into the blood, and there are limits to how much extra fluid can be pumped into the bloodstream. "It's not going to replace the lungs, it just replaces their function for a limited period of time," says Kheir.