Friday 17 August 2012




>*christmas tree pattern-pityriasis rosea

*Christmas tree cataract-myotonic dystrophy

*Christmas tree appearance-neurogenic bladder


>*apple peel appearance- interstinal atresia

*Apple core appearance- colon ca

*Apple jelly nodule- lupus vulgaris..


>*Nitroprusside test- for ketone bodies

*Cyanide-nitroprusside test-for cysteinuria, homocysteinuria

* nitro blue tetrazolinum test-chronic granulomatous disease


>*thiersch graft- partial thickness graft

*Thiersh wiring-treatment for rectal prolapse..


>*string sign-

1. Crohn's disease

2. Congenital pyloric stenosis

3. Perosteal osteosarcoma

*Coiled string sign- intussusception.


>*Guthrine test- for phenylketouria

*Gutzeit test- arsenic poisoning

*Guaiac test- for occult blood in stool


>** Marshall vein of is oblique vein of left atrium.*

Veins of Mayo are veins overlying pylorus..


>*floppy valve syndrome- MVP

*Floppy iris syndrome- tamsulosin

*Floppy child syNDrome-infantile botulism, marfan syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy


>*plantar wart- HPV 1

*Genital wart- HPV 6, 11

*Butcher wart- HPV 7

* Verruca plana-HPV-3,10..

*.Heck's disease-HPV type 13,32.


>**verruca vulgaris- HPV 2, 4

*Lupus vulgaris- tuberculosis.


>*non healing ulcer on sole foot- Diabetic neuropathy

*Non healing ulcer on hands- syringomyelia

*Non healing ulcer on medial malleolus- varicose veins, sickle cell anemia


>**addison's plane-transpyloric plan

*Addisonian anemia-pernicious anemia

*Addison's disease-chronic adrenal insufficiency


>*Bruton's agammaglobulinemia

*Bruton’s disease—scurvy and Rickets


>*Barlow's disease-Infantile scurvy

*Barlow's syndrome- mitral valve prolapse

*Basedow disease- Grave's disease, parry's disease, marsh's disease, diffuse toxic goitre



>*space of disse- perisinusoidal space in liver

*Space of mall- billiary canaliculi in liver.


>*Thebesian valve-coronary sinus

*Eustachian valve- IVC.


>*Herring body- neurohypophysis

*Canal of herring-liver



>*Lepidic cell-cardiac myxoma

*Lepidic growth pattern- Bronchio-alveolar CA


>*Hobnail cell-clear cell CA of ovary

*Hobnail growth pattern-collecting duct RCC


>*Krukenberg spindle-pigmentary glaucoma

*Krukenberg tumor- adenoCA of ovary in metastasis of gastric adenoCA


>*Dawson's Fingers- Multiple Sclerosis

*Dawson Disease- SSPE

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